Think about the biggest challenge you faced in the past year. How did it change you and what did you learn about yourself through the process?

personal growth self-discovery challenges life lessons adversity transformation reflection

The Prompt

"Think about the biggest challenge you faced in the past year. How did it change you and what did you learn about yourself through the process?"


This prompt encourages you to reflect on a difficult time and the growth that came from it. By considering how challenges have shaped you, you can better understand your resilience and personal development.

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How to Use

Start by identifying the biggest challenge you faced in the past year. Write down the details of the situation, how you felt, and how you handled it. Then, reflect on the changes this experience brought about in your life and personal characteristics. Finally, consider and write about the lessons you learned about yourself through this process.

Who Should Use This Prompt

Anyone who has faced a significant challenge or undergone a major change in the past year would benefit from this prompt. It's particularly useful for those looking to gain perspective on their personal growth and resilience.

Follow-Up Questions

  • How have your newly discovered strengths helped you in other areas of your life?
  • What strategies or coping mechanisms did you develop as a result of this challenge?
  • If you could go back in time, would you handle the situation differently?


Be honest with yourself while reflecting on the challenge and its impact. It's okay to acknowledge both positive and negative changes. This prompt is about introspection, learning, and self-improvement, not judgment. Remember, the goal is to understand yourself better and appreciate your growth journey.